Update on Recognized Employer Pilot Program

In the August 8, 2023 issue of ImmPulse™ (see https://bit.ly/3KyQLUq), we provided information about a new program through which the government of Canada will offer streamlined processing in work permit matters under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP; i.e. work permits requiring a Labour Market Impact Assessment). The program will be available to employers who have had at least 3 positive LMIAs in the past five years in the relevant occupations.

In the first phase, launching in September, certain occupations in the agricultural sector will qualify, for example, livestock labourers and nursery labourers.

The second phase will launch in January 2024, and the list of relevant occupations is now available, and can be found at https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/foreign-workers/recognized-employer/working-conditions.html. There are some 88 occupations on the list. Without reiterating all the occupations, some examples, showing the breadth of job categories covered, include:

  • industrial engineers
  • architects
  • registered nurses
  • veterinarians
  • occupational therapists
  • cabinet makers
  • cooks
  • food and beverage servers
  • appliance repairers
  • labourers in chemical products processing

Of course, the full list should be reviewed to determine if there is a relevant category for any particular situation, and the requirements of the program (also found on the web page provided) must be met, but there is an opportunity here for employers to take advantage of a streamlined LMIA/work permit process, which may be of benefit.

The information in this article is for general purposes only, and not intended as legal advice for any situation.