Expedited Visa Processing in India

Citizenship and Immigration Canada has announced the launch of the CAN+ program in India. This program allows people who have travelled to Canada or the United States in the 10 years prior to the date of application to have their visa applications processed on an expedited basis. There is no special application form or action to take – the Visa Post will automatically screen for eligibility. However, based on experience in other countries, applicants may be able to apply without the need for the same degree of extensive support documentation as previously required (the Visa Post’s web site should be consulted for ongoing updated instructions in this regard). Where the Visa Post determines that a person is eligible for the program, the application will be processed in accordance with the program. Expected processing time for a CAN+ visa is seven (7) days.

What Has Changed

Previously, there was no ‘fast track’ based on the criteria noted above and all applications were processed on a First In First Out basis.

Impact and Response

For Indian individuals, or corporations who require Indian nationals to travel, this will certainly expedite processing. No specific action is required by an applicant, but unless otherwise notified, it would appear prudent not to reduce, or fail to provide, the supporting documentation ordinarily provided in such applications to date. No detailed instructions that would reflect a change to the document checklist has yet been released in this regard. Certainly as well, in addition to the value of increased speed in and of itself, this program will allow for improved planning by corporations and individuals concerned.

Further, in view as well of the recent but separate change to the nature of visas issued (10 year multiple entry as the norm), combined with the speed of the program above, long term planning will also be improved.

The information in this article is for general purposes only, and not intended as legal advice for any particular situation.