Working Holiday Program Age Allowance for Australians Increased to 35

The International Experience Class (IEC) offers young people from various countries the opportunity to work in Canada under a relaxed work permit scheme. There are three types of work permits available under the IEC, which are:

  • Working Holidays
    • Open, non-employer-specific work permits
  • Young Professionals
    • Employer-specific work permits for people to work in an area that contributes to their professional development, and
  • International Co-op Internships
    • Employer-specific work permits for placements for students in their field of study

In each case, there are various issues which can include, among other matters, country of origin, funds, and age. There are also procedural issues relating to pooling and selection.

For citizens of Australia, IEC work permits were available for persons only until age 30. However, Immigration Canada has now announced that agreement has been reached with Australia, and the maximum age is being increased to 35.

This will of course benefit prospective Australian employees, but may also benefit prospective Canadian employers who wish to hire Australians under the IEC.

The information in this article is for general purposes only, and not intended as legal advice for any particular situation.