Update on Visa Application Centre (VAC) Issues

Over the last number of years, Canadian visa processing offices have moved away from direct intake of most immigration applications, and instead began utilizing Visa Application Centres (VACs) to screen incoming applications before they are provided to the visa processing office. (This is in addition to the availability of online processing, now available for most situations). VACs also facilitated other non-online functions such as transferring passports to and from visa offices when they were needed for the finalization of a matter, and collecting biometrics. Note that there are still a few functions which VACs do not undertake including intake of applications for Temporary Resident Permits and Rehabilitation, and VACs are also not involved in the Express Entry system.

Recently, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announced some changes in VAC facilities and processes. Among other matters, provision of biometric information will now be by appointment only (walk-in facilities had been available in most locations prior to November 2, 2018). In addition, there will be service fees for various items not previously charged for, such as transferring of passports.

In addition to changes in services and related charges, there are changes to VAC locations. Some VACs are closing, some are moving, and some are changing management. For a full list of which VACs are undergoing changes, and additional links to details about VAC offices worldwide, please see https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/notices/details-vac-service-changes-asia-americas-2018.html#services.

Notwithstanding the availability of online facilities for immigration matters, VACs remain crucial for various functions, particularly as the need for provision of biometric increases.

The information in this article is for general purposes only, and not intended as legal advice for any particular situation.